I turn fifty today. Not sure I thought I would ever see this
day. I am also pretty sure there are plenty of people that “took the under” and are now out of the betting pool on whether
I would ever hit that number as well. As I look back over the last half century
I can truly say that I am blessed. I have great family and more loyal friends
than a person should be allowed to have. If there is anyone luckier than me, I
don’t know who they are.
I was able to grow up in a place where everyone knew each
other and the world didn’t move so damn fast, which has undoubtedly help me
navigate life. I had the luxury of summer nights on the porch swing listening
to cassettes on a boom box. I traded baseball with friends while playing whiffle
ball and riding bikes all day until the street lights came on at night. I remember
thinking we were rich when we got an Atari 2600 for Christmas. I had great
teachers in school (I won’t name all of them here but they know who they are)
and had the greatest grandparents in the world as well as a Mom and Dad that taught
me many life lessons. They remain some of the hardest working people I know –even
to this day. They did everything they could to make sure my brother, sisters
and I had a chance to make it in this world and have an opportunity do better than them.
There have been lots of ups and downs in this first fifty.
Graduated from Eastern Illinois University (A place I love dearly to this day)
with an undergraduate and Master’s degree. Got married. Got divorced (because
sometimes you aren’t as good at something as you wanted to be--- and hopefully
get better and learn from it). Some of my best days so far in life have been
the ones where I had the opportunity to rescue dogs and bring them out of the harshness
of the shelter to a true forever home. I have been able to travel all over the country
and see some incredible places (Everyone should see the ocean, The Vegas Strip
and Bourbon Street at least once). I wouldn’t change or trade any of these
experiences. They have all shaped who I am today.
I work at a place I love (Western Illinois University for 27
years now) in a community I love (Macomb). I have worked for, and with, some of
the most unbelievable individuals you could ever ask to sound yourself around. Truly
incredible professionals and human beings. The people here are the best, and I consider
myself fortunate to count many as my dear friends.
I have had the chance to watch two game clinching World
Series in person (2006 and 2011 Cardinals) and attended three Final Fours. I
had the opportunity to work St. Louis Rams Training camp for nine years, as
well as work two Super Bowls for them (XXXIV and XXXVI) during their Greatest
Show on Turf years. Truly a life changing experience.
I have plenty to be proud of and lots of regrets as well. I have been
able to experiences some great accomplishments. I have also made some pretty bad
decisions along the way and said plenty of stupid things. There are lots of
nights and words that I would like to have back over the years. Too many times
my demons have been on the winning side against my better angels. I apologize
for all those times. Hopefully I have learned from them. I appreciate that for
the most part people have accepted my unvarnished way of communicating as well
as my unorthodox style of going about things. Friends rationalize this by saying
you are “One of a kind” while others think you are a little closer to being a
Jackass. Both are probably technically correct depending on the day.
As I move to the next part of this journey, I will hopefully
make it to retirement, start a second career, become a better golfer, cook a
little more, read a little more, and go to more baseball games (and more
Baseball Parks) with friends. I still plan on enjoying spiced rum, Cuban cigars
and a pretty smile aimed my way. Maybe I will write on this blog more often (or
start a Podcast). I am not a big “Bucket List” guy but I would like to punch my
attendance card at the Kentucky Derby and the Masters in Augusta before I become
food for worms. The older I get the more I appreciate the little things like
the smell of fresh cut grass, Sunday brunch, walking the dog, or just sitting
on the deck solving all the world’s problems with friends. Speaking of the
world---It has become a lot more complicated now days than it was in the first
half of my life.
I know I need to be a better son, brother, uncle and friend
going forward. I don’t want to mess that up in the back half of what I have
left. I really don’t want to bury any more dogs, but I sure plan on rescuing as
many as I can. Max, Maddie, Charlie, and Ruby have been true gifts in my life.
Maybe I will travel a little bit (just not outside of the country) and get in a
little better shape. I, for sure, will continue to enjoy pizza, steaks, and
good BBQ. Not matter what, I will definitely be better at telling those close
to me how much I love them (I have learned you really can’t say that enough and
that I don’t say it enough)
As I celebrate this milestone today (surrounded with friends)
smoking a hand rolled cigar, with Ruby by my side, that I will look back fondly
on the first fifty, and be thankful for all the good things in my life. I will,
undoubtedly, be nostalgic and emotional over making it this far and for the
embarrassment of riches afforded me along the way. I have sort of had a “George
Bailey” type of life. A Wonderful Life.
For all of you that bet against me getting to the first fifty
I will let you go double or nothing on me reaching one hundred. Don’t count me
out. I think I would make a great centurion. Just the right amount of caustic wit,
biting sarcasm, and wicked sense of humor to remain interesting, if not
relevant, for another fifty years (or maybe I will just become a crotchety old
guy like the two Muppets in the balcony). Thanks to all of you that have made
my life so special. You mean more to me than I let you know (I will try to do
better about that). I love you all. I am now on the clock to aim for one hundred.
Place your bets.
“The Older the Violin, The Sweeter the Music”
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