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JB's Eighth Annual "Airing of the Grievances"

  It is that Festivus time of year again, which means the annual Airing of the Grievances Blog. I honestly almost didn’t do one this year because in retirement I am too tempted to cross the line and go FULL GRIEVANCE on several things and I am not sure I want to do that yet. Also, since Tay Tay ended her Eras tour I figured there was an existing void out there right now that needed to be filled when it comes to entertainment--- so why not one more blog “for the ditch”. I would guess that most everyone who reads this will have read one of the previous posts I have done in the past (If not you can read them all at in the past so you know the drill already. If you happened to be a someone that this is your first time to this space---LEAVE NOW if you are easily offended. The whole nature of this blog almost assures that someone will be offended, if not taking outright exception with something I write. I had no use for people with little sense of humor and thin skin before ...
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JB's Seventh Annual "Airing of the Grievances" Blog

  If you would have told me in December of 2017 that I would still be doing an “Airing of The Grievance” blog seven years later I would have not believed you. I did it on whim just to be onery that very first time. As it has turns out it has been a fun way for me to end each year since then. I would have never bet that this tradition would have taken hold. Now that I am retired, and not as pissed off as much, as well as a little more relaxed, I may run out of material and who knows how many these I have left so enjoy. For those with great hopes that there would be a “ Rip the Filter off Completely” retirement edition this year, I will sadly have to manage your expectations. It seems restraint and good manners this holiday season have overridden my normal caustic proclivities and have temporarily prevented a “burn down the house-go out in a ball of flames” blog in the near term. No worries though I will be working on that one, so that when I pass away It can be shared after my de...

JB's Sixth Annual Airing of the Grievances

  It is that time of year again for the annual “Airing of the Grievances” blog, in celebration of Festivus. This is the sixth edition. Who knew that it would continue on this long. As always, we give thanks to Frank Constanza from the TV show Seinfeld, who introduced this beautiful holiday to us twenty-five years ago. As we celebrate this anniversary, while you put up your “Festivus pole” and prepare for the “Feats of Strength”, I will attempt to entertain you a little by sharing my thoughts/opinions in this space since the last time we were here. If you have followed this blog in the past you know that I am here to blow off a little steam on a few topics of my choosing, that will likely have the potential to offend you. If you are new to this blog and are hyper sensitive, or easily trigged, I implore you to click out now and scroll to something softer and more touchy-feely. This is not it. If I am not offending everyone with something then I will have to try harder next year. I ...

"Letting Go---Dropping your Kid off at the College Door"

  We are nearing the start of another academic year and residence hall move-in later this week with classes starting next Monday. In that spirit I have a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT for all the parents out there with first time college students. As someone that has worked in Higher Education, and with on-campus students for over thirty years, I am keenly aware of how difficult the transition to campus life can be. Not just for students, but for parents as well. So, I will share some thoughts on the subject.   I am hearing about, and observing, parents that are having a difficult time letting go (I have dozens of friends and acquaintances going through this experience again this year). It is very important for you to know that you have worked hard to send your kid to school. It is no easy task in this environment to do everything it takes to be able to send a student off to college (especially if you have more than one kid). So, take a quiet moment of reflection this week and...