It is that Festivus time of year again, which means the annual Airing of the Grievances Blog. I honestly almost didn’t do one this year because in retirement I am too tempted to cross the line and go FULL GRIEVANCE on several things and I am not sure I want to do that yet. Also, since Tay Tay ended her Eras tour I figured there was an existing void out there right now that needed to be filled when it comes to entertainment--- so why not one more blog “for the ditch”. I would guess that most everyone who reads this will have read one of the previous posts I have done in the past (If not you can read them all at in the past so you know the drill already. If you happened to be a someone that this is your first time to this space---LEAVE NOW if you are easily offended. The whole nature of this blog almost assures that someone will be offended, if not taking outright exception with something I write. I had no use for people with little sense of humor and thin skin before ...
If you would have told me in December of 2017 that I would still be doing an “Airing of The Grievance” blog seven years later I would have not believed you. I did it on whim just to be onery that very first time. As it has turns out it has been a fun way for me to end each year since then. I would have never bet that this tradition would have taken hold. Now that I am retired, and not as pissed off as much, as well as a little more relaxed, I may run out of material and who knows how many these I have left so enjoy. For those with great hopes that there would be a “ Rip the Filter off Completely” retirement edition this year, I will sadly have to manage your expectations. It seems restraint and good manners this holiday season have overridden my normal caustic proclivities and have temporarily prevented a “burn down the house-go out in a ball of flames” blog in the near term. No worries though I will be working on that one, so that when I pass away It can be shared after my de...